They say that those who are afraid of the dark have no idea what the light can do.
Have you ever imagined what may happen if people start to be afraid of the light instead of the dark?
This book is a journey; a journey to a parallel world, where mythology and reality harmoniously coexist. Imagination freely “penetrates” into the rational flow of the myth, around a perpetual battle between light and darkness.
Anya, the book’s heroine, catalyzes the concept of time, crossing the Gate of the Unexplained to fight, with great courage and dignity, King Leandros and bring back the light of life to those fighting at her side against him.
During her long journey, she will experience true love with a man from whose mouth she will hear words of human inability to “capture” the beauty and the truth of life.
“Yes… We fear love; kindness; faith. We’re afraid to live beautifully. In the way we want. We can, but we don’t. And when we have something really beautiful in our lives… we don’t let it in, we don’t fight to keep it in our lives. So we just turn away… without realizing it”.
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