“The Mirror and I – A Guide to Self-Treatment” analyses our relationship towards the mirror, through various philosophical, psychological and neuroscientific theories. Various therapeutic interventions have been developed in neuropsychiatric diseases with the mirror as the main therapeutic tool. Moreover, mirror exposure (ME) therapy, mirror meditation and mirror gazing increase the understanding of self-image and self-confidence. These techniques can be adapted to complement any form of psychotherapy. In particular, the technique of daily observing one’s self in the mirror for a few minutes (mirror gazing) is free, simple and therapeutic. Its implementation has benefited profesisonals who additionally care about the quality of self-expression, such as actors, presenters, lawyers, therapists, consultants, managers, politicians, dancers, etc.
The Mirror & I (ebook)
A Guide to Self-Treatment
Ορέστης Γιωτάκος,Διατίθεται σε Ebook
Orestis Giotakos completed his basic studies at the Thessaloniki Military Medical School. In 1992 he acquired the specialty of a Psychiatrist at the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens. He obtained an MSc in Neuroscience from the Institute of Psychiatry in London in 1998. He obtained a PhD from the University of Athens Medical School in 2003. He has extensive experience in writing and research in the field of Psychiatry, specialising in the fields of Psychopathology and Prevention. He was the Director of the Psychiatric Clinic at the Military Hospital of Athens (2009-2016). He founded the Civil Not-For-Profit Association “obrela – Neurosciences & Mental Health” (www.obrela.gr); edits the Journal “Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health” (www.obrela-journal.gr); he is the founder of the “I care for my brain” (www.icareformybrain.org) campaign and is the Chairperson of the Hellenic Society of Sexology and Interracial Relations (www.sexology.com.gr).
Συγγραφέας | |
Τύπος ebook | epub(reflowable) |
ISBN | 978-960-627-416-9 |
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